welcome to my blog. Its mainly about investments and unit trust.
I've been trying to incorporate with something interactive towards constructing this blog, but out of ideas. The topics are a bit dry, but i can explain to you in much detail with clearer views on unit trust if we could meet up and it would be at your own terms.
I've met a lot of people and had been asking around to people, why do they think that unit trust is not for them?
1) Maybe they do not understand the concept of unit trust
2) Wanted a much higher return within a short period of time
3) UTC's had been bragging and overpromised on the returns
4)Unit trust is too risky for them
and a lot more...
I would give my personal view on this. Unit trust investments are mainly for long term investments. You may want to keep and save your money for at least 3 years. The longer you save, there would be a higher chance of you gaining a much higher return. Plus, ringgit averaging cost is a useful tool to average and reduce your cost of investments. Another key word for unit trust is diversification. Don't put your eggs into one basket. This is the most important fundamental of doing an investment and everyone should know that. Do diversify your invesments and Unit trust do help you diversify your investments.
In addition, it is actually advisable to invest your epf (account 1) in unit trust. EPF actually offers on average 5% return per annum, and how do you expect that the money you have been saving for retirement could cover your cost of living afterwards. Its best that you find an alternative investments vehicle that could give returns more than the inflation rate rather making any losses after taking consideration the inflation rate.
Unit trust offers a lot more than what you expect. You may want to call me, to understand more about unit trust. There's no obligation of having to invest, I'm free and available to share my knowledge and what i have and you may consider it later on whether unit trust is the best investments vehicle for you or not.
Mohd Faizal
Education Centre
How to Invest in Unit Trusts
There are generally 3 ways to invest in unit trusts funds, namely through Cash, Regular Savings or Investment through your EPF fund...
Benefits of Unit Trust Funds
The main advantages of investment into a Unit Trust fund is the reduction in investment risk by way of diversification as well as having approved professional investment managers manage the funds...
Types of Unit Trust
1) Balance Funds
2) Equity Funds
3) Exchange Trade Funds
Risks investing in unit trust
As any other investments, even unit trust does have risk.
Based on my personal views, the risk associated with unit trust is manageable. Risks are manageable trough diversification that is offered by unit trust. Risk of return being not guaranteed is manage through the idea of unit trust investments are for long terms investment so they could gain an average return through out the years of investing...
Secrets on Investing in Unit Trusts
There are 3 common strategies used in unit trust investment.
1) Ringgit Cost Averaging
2) Portfolio Re-balancing
3) Switching
News and Articles
EPF Investment Highlights
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Board, with the approval of the Minister of Finance, has declared a dividend rate of 5.65 per cent for the financial year ended 31 December 2009. The dividend rate was declared on the back of the highest ever net income achieved of RM19.63 billion....
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